This category contains courses in which you will read several articles, then answer quiz questions to determine your knowledge of the sexual and reproductive health article topics.
After reading the three articles, participants will be able to:
Identify three factors associated with pelvic pain while taking testosterone for gender-affirming purposes
Describe the effects of serum testosterone levels on vaginal bleeding and spotting
Discuss multiple special considerations around cervical cancer screening and Pap tests for transmasculine patients.
This course is supported by grant #5 FPTPA 006031-02-00 from the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health, Office of Population Affairs
Certificate of Completion Available
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Sexual and Reproductive Health and American Indian Youth
By the end of this articles of interest activity, participants should be able to:
Identify at least two disparities in sexual and reproductive health outcomes among American Indian and Alaska Native adolescents
Describe at least two developmental assets in the lives of AI/AN youth that act as protective factors against risky sexual behavior
Describe at least two risk factors that can affect health outcomes among AI/AN youth
This course is supported by grant #5 FPTPA 006031-02-00 from the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health, Office of Population Affairs
Certificate of Completion Available
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