After reading the three articles, participants will be able to:
Identify three factors associated with pelvic pain while taking testosterone for gender-affirming purposes
Describe the effects of serum testosterone levels on vaginal bleeding and spotting
Discuss multiple special considerations around cervical cancer screening and Pap tests for transmasculine patients.
This course is supported by grant #5 FPTPA 006031-02-00 from the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health, Office of Population Affairs
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Providing Affirming Care for LGBTQ+ People in Substance Use Treatment Settings
The Opioid Response Network (ORN), in partnership with Columbia University Department of Psychiatry Division on Substance Use Disorders, has created a one-of a-kind web-based training that will help substance use disorder treatment
providers deliver more affirming care to their LGBTQ+ clients. The course will:
- Provide an introduction to terminology related to gender, sexuality and LGBTQ+ communities; - Discuss why substance use uniquely impacts LGBTQ+ communities; - Include stories from LGBTQ+ individuals about their experiences in
substance use treatment and perspectives from providers who work with LGBTQ+ clients; and - Include instructive videos featuring simulated interactions between staff and LGBTQ+ clients in substance use treatment settings.
This new training will help participants identify key components of care for LGBTQ+ people, and how to make the treatment environment and staff interactions more welcoming for LGBTQ+ clients by:
Participants will develop skills to improve their delivery of affirming care to LGBTQ+ people and determine changes they would like to make in their own organizations with support from the ORN.
Certificate of Completion Available
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