BuildingCapacity of School Personnel to Promote Positive Mental Health in Children and Youth (Self-Paced)
The purpose of this 6-hour course is to build capacity of frontline interdisciplinary school personnel to address the mental health needs of children and youth in schools by embedding strategies throughout the day using a multi-tiered approach.
Participants will learn how to implement Every Moment Counts model programs and embedded strategies ( Emphasis is on knowledge translation and implementation of evidence-based mental health promotion and
prevention strategies within a Community of Practice (CoP). Individuals can take the course and will be prepared to implement their own CoP if they choose.
This course was developed by the Mountain Plains Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network with funding by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) in collaboration with Every Moment Counts.
6.0 Contact-Hour Certificate of Completion Available
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National Hispanic & Latino Executive Leadership & Fellowship Program 2021
The Fellowship's purpose is to provide leadership capacitybuilding to those identified by the National Hispanic and Latino ATTC and PTTC for executive leadership training and coaching to maximize their leadership potential in behavioral
health and integrated health. The Fellows are entry-level to mid-level career leaders/managers in the health and behavioral health/substance use sectors that have demonstrated potential and interest in executive leadership positions
and have been selected for participation in the National Hispanic & Latino Executive Leadership & Fellowship Program.
Note: A registration key is required to participate.
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National Hispanic & Latino Executive Leadership & Fellowship Program
The Fellowship's purpose is to provide leadership capacitybuilding to those identified by the National Hispanic and Latino ATTC and PTTC for executive leadership training and coaching to maximize their leadership potential in behavioral
health and integrated health. The Fellows are entry-level to mid-level career leaders/managers in the health and behavioral health/substance use sectors that have demonstrated potential and interest in executive leadership positions
and have been selected for participation in the National Hispanic & Latino Executive Leadership & Fellowship Program.
Note: A registration key is required to participate.
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