Classroom WISE: Well-Being Information and Strategies for Educators
Educators and schoolpersonnel play a vital role in promoting mental health and well-being and identifying and responding to emerging mental illness in children and adolescents. Classroom WISE (Well-Being Information and Strategies for
Educators) is a 5-hour, self-paced, educator mental health literacy course, developed by the MHTTC Network, in partnership with the National Center for School Mental Health. It presents concrete, universal approaches to promoting student
mental health and creating safe and supportive classroom environments, describes student behaviors that may indicate a mental health concern, and provides specific skills and strategies to engage and support students with mental health
concerns. Modules average about 50 minutes each (50x6= 300 min= 5 hours). This course includes a high-impact video series and resource collection also available on our website,
Certificate of Completion Available
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Classroom WISE: Well-Being Information and Strategies for Maryland Educators
School educators and personnel participating in the School Technical Assistance Opportunity: Classroom WISE (Well-Being Information and Strategies for Educators) is a 5-hour, self-paced, educator mental health literacy course, developed by the MHTTC Network, in partnership with the National Center for School Mental Health. It presents concrete, universal approaches to promoting student mental health and creating safe and supportive classroom environments, describes student behaviors that may indicate a mental health concern, and provides specific skills and strategies to engage and support students with mental health concerns. Modules average about 50 minutes each (50x6= 300 min= 5 hours). This course includes a high-impact video series and resource collection also available on our website,
Welcome to the State of Maryland version of Classroom WISE (Well-Being Information and Strategies for Educators) self-paced online training, developed by the Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) Network in partnership with the National Center for School Mental Health. If you are NOT from the state of Maryland, access the regular Classroom WISE online course here.
Classroom WISE presents concrete, universal approaches to promoting student mental health and creating safe and supportive classroom environments, describes student behaviors that may indicate a mental health concern, and provides specific skills and strategies to engage and support students with mental health concerns. This course includes a high-impact video series and resource collection also available on our website, Module 4 of this Classroom WISE online training satisfies the Behavioral Health component (one of two components) of the COMAR legislative mandate 13.A.07.11 Student Suicide Prevention and Safety Training in the state of Maryland. In order to satisfy the Behavioral Health component of COMAR 13A.07.11, you must complete the Introduction and Module 4 (including the Module 4 quiz with a passing score of 80%). You will then receive a Certificate of Completion for 1 contact hour. This is the only module required to meet the Behavioral Health training requirement of the COMAR regulation for certificated staff. However, if you are interested, you may complete the entire Classroom WISE course (6 modules, including Module 4) and the module quizzes with a passing score of 80% to receive a 5-contact hour Certificate of Completion.
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Cultivating Compassionate School Communities that Respond to Trauma Effectively
This 12 hour course offers recommendations to cultivate a compassionate school community that will buffer against the negative effects of trauma, build resilience for all students, and provide stress-relief and enhanced well-being for
teachers and other schoolpersonnel as well as students.
Participants will learn how to implement the Compassionate School Mental Health model being used to enhance services to schools and districts in the New England Mental Health Technology Transfer Center's Childhood Trauma-Learning Collaborative.
Learn about the neurobiology of trauma and toxic stress, how it affects staff and student well-being, and best practices for preventing, responding to, and alleviating the effects of trauma. Get guidance on developing a vision to transform
into a compassionate school community that includes the voices of many stakeholders. Gain understanding of how a compassionate school mental health support system can help schools create systems, policies, and protocols to prevent,
address, and recover from tragedies and crises including staff or student suicide, school violence, natural disasters, and global pandemics.
All of these activities, including case studies, will allow for knowledge application and prepare participants to consider implications for schoolwide implementation.
This course was developed by the New England Mental Health Technology Transfer Center with funding by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
12 hour Certificate of Completion Available
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Introduction to Adolescent SBIRT from a Prevention Perspective
The following e-learning course provide an overview of the Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) protocol for use with adolescents (ages 9 to 22). The content of this e-learning course was designed for prevention
professionals, schoolpersonnel, social workers, addictions counselors, and other non-medical professionals.
Course Objectives:
Describe what SBIRT stands for and what each component means.
Identify why SBIRT is relevant and important for use with adolescents and young adults.
Demonstrate the ability to recognize the prevalence of substance use among youth and how SBIRT can prevent longer-term problems.
Define standard measures of various types of drinks/alcohol to increase knowledge of baseline information and guidelines regarding moderate and high-risk alcohol use.
This e-learning course was developed by the Mountain Plains Prevention Technology Transfer Center (MPPTTC).
Certificate of Completion Available
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Introduction to Adolescent SBIRT from a Prevention Perspective
The following e-learning course provide an overview of the Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) protocol for use with adolescents (ages 9 to 22). The content of this e-learning course was designed for prevention
professionals, schoolpersonnel, social workers, addictions counselors, and other non-medical professionals.
Course Objectives:
Describe what SBIRT stands for and what each component means.
Identify why SBIRT is relevant and important for use with adolescents and young adults.
Demonstrate the ability to recognize the prevalence of substance use among youth and how SBIRT can prevent longer-term problems.
Define standard measures of various types of drinks/alcohol to increase knowledge of baseline information and guidelines regarding moderate and high-risk alcohol use.
This e-learning course was developed by the Mountain Plains Prevention Technology Transfer Center (MPPTTC).
Certificate of Completion Available
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